In 2001, Ohio deregulated the energy market allowing residents to choose electricity rates from competing energy suppliers. The utility companies, that once had a monopoly over the generation of power in their respective service areas, are now responsible for maintaining the lines and wires to safely deliver the electricity. Energy deregulation has allowed residential and business customers the opportunity to select from lower generation rates from new energy suppliers entering the market.

AEP Columbus

AEP Energy

AEP Ohio Power is a local distribution company (LDC) in charge of generating, transmitting, and delivering power to its customers. The LDC acts as the supplier of last resort and will generate electricity to customers who have not selected a competing provider. The primary focus is to maintain the lines and wires to safely deliver power around the state.

  • AEP Columbus customer service can be reached at 1-800-672-2231
Duke Energy Utility Company

Duke Energy is one of the largest electric holding companies in the United States with operations in 6 states serving 7.7 million electric retail customers. The company’s natural gas distribution services serve more than 1.6 million customers. Duke Energy’s customers have the option of choosing a retail electric provider while still having their energy delivered by the utility company.

  • Duke Energy customer service can be reached at 1-866-216-2136

Dayton Power and Light

Dayton Power and Light Utility Company

Dayton Power and Light is a regulated electric utility based in Dayton, Ohio that provides power to more than 1.25 million customers in west-central Ohio. Its service area covers more than 6,000 square miles including 24 counties. Acting as a local distribution company, Dayton Power and Light maintain the lines and wires to safely deliver the electricity to their customers.

  • Dayton Power and Light customer service can be reached at 1-800-433-8500
AEP Ohio Power Utility Company

AEP Ohio Power is a local distribution company in charge of generating, transmitting, and delivering power to its customers. The LDC acts as the supplier of last resort and will generate electricity to customers who have not selected a competing supplier. The primary focus is to maintain the lines and wires to safely deliver power around the state.

  • AEP Ohio Power customer service can be reached at 1-800-672-2231
Toledo Edison Utility Company

Toledo Edison is a local distribution company (LDC) and a subsidiary of FirstEnergy that serves more than 300,000 customers in northwest Ohio. The primary focus of the utility is to safely generate, transmit, and deliver power to its customers. Any power outages in their service area can be reported directly to the utility company.

  • Toledo Edison customer service can be reached at 1-800-447-3333
The Illuminating Company Utility Company

The Illuminating Company is a local distribution company and a subsidiary of FirstEnergy that serves power to more than 700,000 customers in northeast Ohio. Acting as an LDC, the primary focus is to safely generate, transmit, and deliver power to its customers. The company will maintain the lines and wires for all customers in their service area.

  • The Illuminating Company customer service can be reached at 1-800-589-3101
Ohio Edison Utility Company

Ohio Edison is part of the FirstEnergy family that provides power to more than 1 million customers in northeast and north-central Ohio. The primary focus of the utility is to safely generate, transmit, and deliver power to its customers. The utility company maintains all the lines and wires in its service area and will be the primary contact for any power outages.

  • Ohio Edison customer service can be reached at 1-800-633-4766

The Advantage of Energy Deregulation

Before 2001, Ohioans had to go through their respective utility companies for generation rates. With no competition to choose from, residential and commercial customers were stuck paying high rates. The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio was responsible for regulating the prices of utilities, but residents had no other choice but to pay the utility generation rate at the time.

Once the energy market was deregulated, competing energy suppliers were allowed to enter the market. This gave consumers more options on energy rates, as well as different rate products to choose from. The increase in the competition helped push down energy prices in that state. Ohioans today, enjoy some of the lowest energy rates in the country.

Electricity Ohio U.S. Average Period
11.78 cents/kWh
13.08 cents/kWh
March 2020
9.34 cents/kWh
10.41 cents/kWh
March 2020
5.45 cents/kWh
6.40 cents/kWh
March 2020

Energy Suppliers Offer Different Rate Products

Electric Rate Products Pros Cons
Fixed Rate
  • Remains fixed through duration of term
  • Protects against market volatility
  • Available to both commercial and residential customers
  • Might pay higher rate if energy market drops
  • Comes with cancellation fee
Variable Rate
  • Most plans have no cancellation fees
  • Available to both commercial and residential customers
  • Can easily double or triple in price
  • Supplier can increase rate at their sole discretion
Index Rate
  • Historically lower than fixed rate plans
  • Can be switched to a fixed rate plan without penalty
  • Tied directly to the wholesale price of electricity
  • Exposure to market risk
  • Only offered to large industrial size users

Renewable Energy Rates

  • A clean alternative solution
  • Reliable source of power
  • Available to both commercial and residential customers
  • You may pay a high premium
  • More expensive than coal