Massachusetts Electricity Rates

Massachusetts is one of the many states where residential and business customers can compare electricity rates between competing suppliers. Thanks to the Electric Industry Restructuring Act in 1997, utility companies no longer have a monopoly over the generation rates charged to their customers. Instead of going directly to the utility companies for generation services, Massachusetts residents can shop and choose a retail energy supplier for a lower rate.

Why Shop for an Energy Supplier?

The main job of the utility company is to maintain the lines and wires to safely deliver the electricity to the point of service. The profit margins of the utility companies are regulated by the state, so the utilities are not in the business of offering competitive pricing. Energy deregulation has opened the market to competing suppliers that have to earn your business. The increase in competition is good news for Massachusetts residents as energy suppliers are forced to lower their rates to earn your business.

What Will Change on my Electric Bill?

The only thing that will change on the electric bill is the lower generation rate the customer will be paying! The electric bill consists of two main charges, the delivery and supply costs. The delivery charge is regulated and will be handled by the local utility company. The supply charge is the deregulated portion of the electric bill and will be charged by the chosen retail energy supplier. The electric bill incorporates both the delivery and supply charge so the customer will not have to worry about paying two separate electric bills. This method is known as single-billing and is the default option for many service areas.

National Grid Utility Company

National Grid is one of the largest investor-owned energy companies in the world. Customers living in their service areas are free to choose a competitive generation supplier. National Grid will continue to maintain the lines and wires that deliver the energy to their customer’s place of residence.

  • National Grid’s customer service can be reached at 1-800-322-3223

Eversource Eastern MA

Eversource Utility Company

Eversource is New England’s largest local distribution company, effectively delivering power to over 3.7 million electric and natural gas customers in Connecticut, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire. The combined electric and natural gas services cover a territory of over 625 towns and nearly 17,000 square miles. In Massachusetts, this includes over 140 towns and 3,192 square miles for electric customers, and over 51 towns and 1,067 for gas customers.

  • Eversource’s customer service can be reached at 1-800-592-2000

Eversource Boston Edison

Eversource Utility Company

NSTAR d/b/a Boston Edison Company was formed in 1999 by the merger of BEC Energy and Commonwealth Energy Systems. NSTAR provides electric service and natural gas to over 1.4 million customers in eastern and central Massachusetts. Its main focus is to maintain the lines and wires to assure the safe delivery of power to its customers.

  • Eversource’s customer service can be reached at 1-800-592-2000

Eversource Western MA

Eversource Utility Company

Eversource is New England’s largest local distribution company, effectively delivering power to over 3.7 million electric and natural gas customers in Connecticut, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire. The combined electric and natural gas services cover a territory of over 625 towns and nearly 17,000 square miles. In Massachusetts, this includes over 140 towns and 3,192 square miles for electric customers, and over 51 towns and 1,067 for gas customers.

  • Eversource’s customer service can be reached at 1-877-659-6326
WMECO Utility Company

Western Massachusetts Electric Company is a local distribution company (LDC) that provides power in Western Massachusetts. They serve over 200,000 customers in about 60 towns covering more than 1,490 square miles.  

  • WMECO’s customer service can be reached at 1-877-659-6326
Unitil Utility Company

Unitil Fitchburg Gas and Electric is a local distribution company (LDC) that provides electricity and natural gas services in New England. The company currently serves over 106,000 electric customers and 83,600 natural gas customers in Maine, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts.

  • Unitil Fitchburg Gas and Electric’s customer service can be reached at 1-888-301-7700

An Overview of Massachusetts’s Energy Market

Over half of Massachusetts’s electricity generation comes from natural gas, with the remainder coming from nuclear power and renewables. Massachusetts does not use coal, making it the third New England state without coal-fired generation. A large percentage of energy consumption comes from imports from other states. Massachusetts’s energy consumption is more than 12 times greater than its production, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

MA Electricity Production Chart

Massachusetts’s Electricity Rates Compared to the U.S. Average

Electricity Massachusetts U.S. Average Time Period
22.80 cents/kWh
13.08 cents/kWh
March 2020
16.23 cents/kWh
10.41 cents/kWh
March 2020
13.88 cents/kWh
6.40 cents/kWh
March 2020

Choosing the Right Energy Plan for your Home or Business

One of the many advantages of a deregulated energy market is the ability of the consumer to choose the energy plan that is right for them. Energy suppliers will offer a variety of product plans that are based on the specific needs of the customer. The most common plan for most households is the fixed-rate plan. Just as the name suggests, the electric rate will remain fixed for the duration of the contract. This will protect the customer against sudden market spikes in the price of electricity. Given the volatility of the energy market, it is no surprise this is the most popular energy plan for most consumers.

Large businesses that have a high volume of consumption have more choices when it comes to choosing the right energy product. The index product is a popular choice among high-end users that consume well over a million kilowatts annually. This product is tied directly into the wholesale price of a commodity, such as natural gas, plus a fixed retail adder that remains fixed through the duration of the contract. This plan requires a higher degree of management oversight as it is considered a floating product exposing the customer to higher risks. This plan can be converted to a fixed-rate plan during the term, usually without penalty.

You can compare different energy plans through ElectricRateSelect. Our energy advisors are available throughout the week to guide you in choosing the correct energy plan that is right for you. Whether you’re shopping for your home or a large business, we provide the experience and knowledge to help you save the most money.

Electric Rate Products Pros Cons
Fixed Rate
  • Remains fixed through duration of term
  • Protects against market volatility
  • Available to both commercial and residential customers
  • Might pay higher rate if energy market drops
  • Comes with cancellation fee
Variable Rate
  • Most plans have no cancellation fees
  • Available to both commercial and residential customers
  • Can easily double or triple in price
  • Supplier can increase rate at their sole discretion
Index Rate
  • Historically lower than fixed rate plans
  • Can be switched to a fixed rate plan without penalty
  • Tied directly to the wholesale price of electricity
  • Exposure to market risk
  • Only offered to large industrial size users

Renewable Energy Rates

  • A clean alternative solution
  • Reliable source of power
  • Available to both commercial and residential customers
  • You may pay a high premium
  • More expensive than coal