Frequently Asked Questions

Energy Choice Questions

If you recently moved to an area that is deregulated, then chances are good you have a few questions regarding energy choice. You are not alone. If you never had to deal with choosing an energy supplier before, then it’s only natural to have a few questions on where to begin. We have composed a list of the most commonly asked questions by retail energy consumers over the past few years. We hope this gives you a place to start.

If you need help, please feel free to reach out to one of our energy advisors. We will be happy to assist you.

A business shopping for an electric retail provider can save a tremendous amount of money on their monthly electric bill. Thanks to energy choice, electric retail providers now have to compete for your business. Opening up the energy market to deregulation has the effect to drive down prices as local distribution companies (LDC) no longer have a monopoly over your service.

Before deregulation, a business could only go through its local distribution company (LDC) for electricity. The LDC was responsible for both delivery and generation costs. After deregulation, the main job of the LDC is to maintain the lines and wires to safely deliver the electricity to their customers. This opens up the generation side to different electric retail providers that now have to compete for your business. 

A business locking a new rate with a competitive electric retail provider will receive the same level of service as before. The local distribution company will still send out one electric bill that incorporates both the delivery and generation costs. 

Just about every electric retail provider has to be licensed with your state’s public utility commission before they can offer generation rates in your service area. Your state’s public utility commission may provide a website that will show all the electric retail providers licensed to do business in your state.

The Price to Compare is the generation rate provided by your local distribution company. The Price to Compare is used while shopping around for a competitive electric retail provider. If a retail electric provider is offering a rate lower than the Price to Compare then your business will be saving money. 

All-inclusive electric rates offered by electric retail providers will be the apples-to-apples comparison to your local distribution company’s Price to Compare. The all-inclusive rates will include energy, congestion, losses, ancillary, capacity, transmission, and any sales or usage tax that is included in the Price to Compare. 

A fixed-electric rate will remain fixed for the duration of the contract. A variable-rate can change at the sole discretion of the energy provider. It is common for electric retail providers to offer a low introductory rate then slowly increase the rate during the duration of the contract. To find which rate product is best for your business, please feel free to contact one of our advisors. 

The electric retail provider will most likely switch your business to a month-to-month variable-rate after your energy agreement expires. You will not automatically be switched back to your local distribution company unless you directly cancel your agreement with your electric retail provider. 

During a power outage or any disruption in power, a business should contact its local distribution company.